Chapter 14
Holland was a land like my sister and I have never seen. Among the vampires, there was a strict division of class and wealth. The less privileged were game for the wanton abuses and sadistic palates of the elite. The elite gorged themselves on delusional madness and carnal desires. The palace itself, for there was a King and Queen, echoed the horrors of oppressed. Crucified night children, hunger starved beasts, self mutilating vampires covered the corners and recesses of their domain. Eventually, they would all find fates crueler than the last they had suffered. But my sister and I were royalty, and quite wealthy by now. We were welcomed with open arms into the inner circle of Dutch vampire society.
The Queen of Holland was not what you would call beautiful, but she radiated an air of sexuality that was undeniable. The King was crude, but possessed a certain humor with his words. He was also direct, kind to those he considered friends, and vengeful to those he didn't. His wife created most of the activities that entertained the upper echelon, and the King made sure they were executed exactly as instructed. You would think the royal couple would be threatened by another of royal blood entering their domain, but they were not. Debra was not the only Queen housed under the roof of the Dutch majesty. Queen Debra's history amused them, for they were well aware of her past and mine, for it was the same.
The King took an immediate liking to Angie, but the Queen favored Debra instead. She had heard rumors. There were no sexual boundaries in the Dutch kingdom. Fornication was not something to be hidden, but to be displayed openly. Freedom is the word the King used, and everyone clapped. Seven humans were thrown down in front of us for a meal like a farmer throwing hay to his mule. Freshly made vampires were brought in to be beaten just for our amusement. Occasionally the King would comment about the Spanish and look over at Debra, for the Dutch people had recently overthrown Spanish rule in Holland. Of course he knew she was Romanian by birth, but the game was amusing to him. At the end of the night, he brought in twenty male vampires and twelve female ones. He told us each to choose at least one to warm our beds. He would kill the rest. That was our first night in Holland.
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